On Success - Part 1
Part 1: Starting with the basics
You make success, you don’t obtain it. It is earned, not gifted.
If you believe this to be wrong, you have simply witnessed a series of events that may give off the illusion of success, but they aren’t - success is deeply personal and something you must define for yourself. We have tied material “success” (A better word would be abundance) to success as an individual - we got fed the bullshit and, you know what? We ate it up. That’s fine, we didn’t know any better and there was always a war on for our dollars and attention. Push all that aside for a second and let’s make a start on what I hope to be an eye opening (Inward) piece of writing.
If success were to be dissected into individual components, like a recipe from Gordon Ramsay, it would be made of the following:
a) A healthy dollop of self-belief
b) 2 cups of long term planning
c) A table spoon of short term action (Daily)
d) A bowl of self-reflection
e) One concentrate of self-development
f) Three shakes of humility
g) A side of vulnerability
That’s it - you want a cake of success you need all of the following PLUS an extract of three vital ingredients determination, persistence and grit.